Doug Barker
Analyst at a VC Firm focused on Technology based startups
Toronto, Canada
Expert in:
Business Development
Marketing & Sales
Social Media
Travel / Leisure
Nature / Outdoors
Event Planning
Lead Generation
Selection & Hiring
Career Development
How I'd describe myself

An energetic and outgoing people person that loves to connect with likeminded individuals, solve problems, and add value to projects of interest.

Why I became a mentor

I have been lucky enough to find a variety of different mentors throughout my professional development, and I would not be in the position I am in without their support. Hoping that I can provide a similar level of support to someone, and help make a difference.

Current occupation

Analyst at a VC Firm focused on Technology based startups

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What Motivates Doug
  • Desire to win
  • Helping others
  • Lasting legacy
  • Making an impact
  • Working with great people
Doug's Best Skills
  • Can get anything done
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Networking
  • Sales
  • Teamwork
  • Work ethic
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